Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween this Year Was Pretty Cool

Dear Family and Friends,

This week was pretty good! It started out a little bit rough, but with some divine help we were able to pull though and end the week successfully! The weeks continue to fly by which is kind of a relief after they dragged by during September. It really is interesting how as you work harder time goes faster, so the harder you work because you want to make use of all the time you can because you see how fast it is flying by!
This weekend was Stake Conference up here, and it was by far the smallest Stake Conference I have ever been to in my entire life. Only a third of the Stake goes to the Stake  Center because they broadcast it to the other two buildings in Junction City and Manhattan. Our Stake is huge geographically. It takes 3.5 hours to drive from one side of it to the other side. 

Halloween this year was pretty cool, not as fun as being able to actually dress up, but still fun! I think the best costumes at the combined ward and branch Trunk or Treat was. 1. The family that dressed up as Candy Land Characters, 2 Anubis, Egyptian God of Funerals, 3. One of the Pregnant sisters of the Branch, who dressed up as a whale with a felt Jonas on her tummy. Oh how Halloween is fun! We helped RaCail decorate her trunk and hand out candy which was fun. We even were forced to take a bunch home with us that were left overs! So that combined with the fun packages I got the last few weeks makes for a very "sweet" Halloween on my mission!

A member told us about this video yesterday when we were at dinner with them and I decided that it would be cool to share. I really enjoyed the perspective they put on it, and how they explained it so clearly. I know sometimes I get weirded out when people asked us about garments and I have no idea how to respond. 

Other fun things from the week, we heart/candy attacked Jenaya's door.
And enjoyed the many colors of Fall! 

Love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!

Sister Blood :)

We heart/candy attacked Jenaya's door

 The family that dressed up as Candy Land Characters

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