Monday, March 3, 2014

Greetings from the again frozen wasteland of Kansas!

Update on Zach, well he ended up not moving into the apartments he
originally thought so we got permission from President Bell to keep
teaching him! Such an awesome and humbling experience. One of the
less-active women in our ward agreed to go with us as our team up with
him which was HUGE. When we told a member of the bishopric he said "wait
let me get this right,  she hasn't been to church in over a year and she
agreed to go on team ups with you?!" It was great. And it was so cool to
hear her talk about the experience and reflect on the time she worked
for the area president in Germany back in the day, with a lot of
excitement and happiness that she hadn't shown when she talked about her
experiences before. In that lesson Zach mind blowing statement was "So
when can I be a teacher?" He is just barely getting to learn who Jesus
Christ is for the first time, and he already can't wait for his turn to
be able to share what he is learning with others. He is really excited
about how he can have the chance to teach in church, so ironic
considering most people hate to teach.

This was a week of meeting, after meeting, after meeting. We had members
of the 70, presidents interviews, specialized training with the
President and APs. Let's just say it wasn't as productive of a week as
we hoped. But on the super plus side... MARIA WAS BAPTIZED!!! She was so
excited the crazy thing is that church was canceled so she will have to
wait TWO WEEKS for her to be confirmed because we have Stake Conference next
week. Which I am super pumped and excited about and I can't tell you
exactly why until next week, let's just say this... I am SO blessed to
be in the Derby Stake/zone.

We got tired of being indoors because of the snow, so Sister McDermott
prayed about it and felt we should walk (since we weren't allowed to
drive in such bad weather) and try to get a hold of some Less-Actives.
Well we found out later it was 6 degrees and the wind chill put it below
-20. I was wearing three layers of tights and the cold still came
creeping in. I've never been so cold in my entire life, that I am sure
of. Sister McDermott has a better build for cold than I do, so the cold didn't
get to her near as much. It was cold enough that my fingers were frost
bitten and it was all I could do not to scream in pain as I tried to
warm them up. They finally warmed and today they are starting to feel
normal again! I am grateful for members who drove us home even though
the weather was so bad, and I am also grateful for Root Beer which was
drunken on an empty stomach as we were starting to defrost at a
part-members home (before we went to the active members home) which
helped get our blood sugar back up since we were fasting. Well at least
we showed we are dedicated to the work!

Love you all!!!
Sister Blood

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