Monday, March 17, 2014

Hale the size of Raspberries

Greetings from Kansas!
Well there really isn't a whole lot to tell. Sister McDermott was pretty sick, so 3 days were spent inside studying while she slept off a pretty nasty virus. The miracle of that was that I somehow didn't get sick. Even though the Doctor said, "I was almost guaranteed to get it, since we are in such close quarters all the time". He is a member and saw us for free, which was another blessing! Having a few days of study made me really excited to get out and work hard the last three days of the week!
The Lord really blessed us since we found/were given FIVE new investigators, and one has already accepted a baptismal date! It will take her a while to get there though because she smokes and we believe also has some drug problems, but this gospel and the Atonement is for everyone!
On Saturday it seriously haled raspberry/grape size ice balls! It was totally AWSOME! We were at a members house and she had a lot of fun seeing us get so excited at the largest hale either of us have ever seen. She took some pictures for us then let us sweep her floors for her, since she is recovering from knee surgery. It was great, Hurray for people who actually let you do service for them!

 Hale the size of Raspberries

Maria was finally confirmed yesterday and it was such a neat experience! She hates crying but when she came back down to her seat and sat by Sister McDermott she was crying, quite a bit actually. She is so happy and is totally gung-ho about being a member. She even went and got a job for the sole reason of wanting an income that she could pay tithing on!  She is amazing and I am so grateful I have the chance to learn so much from her!
I am staying in Harrison Park for the next transfer so I get to keep working with her and the other amazing people in this area! Plus, I am sure I will continue to gain weight since in the 6 weeks I have been here I have yet to have a bad meal, every meal has been AMAZING and very much homemade... which leads back to the gaining weight. Now that it's warm (most days when it doesn't decide to drop from 70 to 30 degrees overnight) Sister McDermott and I are seriously going to have to consider running in the morning or we might just not fit our skirts anymore!
I love you all and thank you for your support!

Sister Blood

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