Monday, April 20, 2015

Amazing Lightening and 'Thunder

Dear Family and Friends,                                                           4-20-15

So this letter will be short, I am having difficulty remembering what actually happened this week, it is a a blur, yet the week went by slow. I'm Not sure how that works but it does. 

We had some massive thunderstorms Saturday it was cool! It included a thunderclap that was right over the house we were in and was so powerful it lasted 5-8 seconds for force and then another 10 seconds at a much less forceful level. It was powerful enough you could feel and see the house shake and some things fall of things they were sitting on, it was pretty crazy! Add to it the quarter sized hail and it made for a pretty cool storm! 

I am still doing really well in Andover and am loving being here! Sister Williams is an awesome companion and I am really glad to be serving with her! She plays the ukulele so we spend a lot of time singing, including running up to people and asking if we can sing them a song! That has been fun, though you would be surprised at how many people tell us that we can't sing for them. Apparently they don't know how well we can sing! Haha The coolest of the hymns we have remixed to sing out tracting is a combo of our mission song and I hope they call me on a mission. Some members in the ward said they would record us and put it on FB or youtube, so I will keep you posted on when and if that happens. :) We also have a cool remix of Oh my Father that I really like, it is in a minor key and it sounds SO cool! 

Well singing and the rain just about sums it up. We didn't find anyone new this week but James is continuing to progress and Aide is slowly becoming more comfortable here. Please keep them in your prayers, they still have many trials ahead of them. 

Love you all!
Sister BLood :) 

Sister Blood & Sister Williams

The patriotic Fire hydrant

Added e-mail
I had asked her if she received my Easter Card, to which she replied:
" Funny thing is the longer you are out the less mail you get. It was my first and only letter I have gotten in probably 2+ months, but that is okay. At this point people are at the "I'll just talk to you when you get home" point. I've gotten used to not having mail, which makes the letters that do come all the more exciting! "

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